Best Decorated House 2024

It is always strange writing this article about Christmas Decoration at Easter, so please bear with us as we celebrate the home owners who take the time and put in the effort to decorate their houses during the darkest days of winter.

It was long time resident of Dún Laoghaire, Ellen Moiselle, who remarked that walking around the residential streets at night during winter was a joy with all the lights and beautiful decorations that people had put up.  She said it was like people were giving gift a gift of beauty to the neighbours and herself and her husband enjoyed talking evening walks during winter admiring how beautiful the town looked.

This year there were a large number of beautifully decorated and illuminated houses across all areas of the town, Crosthwaite Park is always a delight, especially the east side.  Cross Avenue has some really unique and eye catching displays, while Adelaide Street has some gorgeous stylish houses which warm your heart as you take a walk down towards the East Pier.

However there can be only one winner, and this year the winner is Mr. Tony Tallant who lives on St. Michael’s Terrace, a small cul-de-sac off York Rd. 

At night from Library Rd, the terrace looks like one large mansion, but on arrival you discover that it isn’t one huge house but a small terrace that shared decorations across the row of 6 homes.  Some of the trees in the gardens were also decorated with beautiful baubles and you could see that the home owners on the terrace all worked together to create a heart warming display.  It was this sense of community and working together that helped us to quickly make up our mind to reward them the prize.

Tony lives in number 6 and enlists the help of neighbour Eric Byrne to hang the lights across the row of houses.  The rest of the neighbours contributed to paying for the lights and each year they give a few bob towards the cost of the electric.  Tony and his husband Declan store the lights themselves throughout the year.

Working together, helping the older members of our community, this is what being a neighbour is all about.  Its only a small Gift Tony, but we want to thank you for taking the time and making the effort you don’t know how many smiles you put on peoples faces.  Thanks Tony!